Tuesday 11 November 2014

Siddha Medicine For Infertility

What is Infertility..?
Infertility is the inability to become pregnant or to carry a pregnancy to term, even after one year of unprotected coitus. Infertility can be brought on by a variety of factors, including low sperm counts and slow sperm motility in males and tubal block, PID, Endometriosis, and PCOS, PCOD in women. Siddha medicine is recommended for permanent cure when there is severe tubal illness, severe egg factors, failed IUI therapies, severe male factors, unexplained infertility, and grade III and IV endometriosis.

How to get pregnant quickly?

Infertility is not sterility. Infertility is defined as a couple’s failure to conceive a child after one
year of regular sexual intercourse without birth control. Infertility may also refer to the biological
inability of a man or a woman to contribute to conception. There are many biological causes of
infertility, some which may be treated with siddha medicine.

One of the major causes of male infertility is a low sperm count. Male fertility screening is done
through semen analysis. An average sperm count is 90 million or more sperm per milliliter.
Oligospermia is the term used to describe the condition when the sperm count is low. If there
are no sperm at all in the semen sample, the condition is termed azoospermia. The general rule
is that the lower the sperm count and the poorer the sperm quality, the longer it will take and
the more difficult it may be for a pregnancy to occur.

For More details & Consultations

Agathiyar Hospital

Monday 10 November 2014

Siddha Hospital In Chennai

Welcome to Agathiyar Hospital

AGATHIYAR HOSPITAL offers time tested evidence-based treatments based on the concepts of SIDDHA MEDICINE, VARMAM, CHINESE ACUPUNCTURE, NATUROPATHY and YOGA along with modern diagnostic tools.AGATHIYAR HOSPITAL offers one of the most sophisticated therapeutic concepts of classical approach integrating SIDDHA AND ACUPUNCTURE TREATMENT that support each other in their effects.

Methodology of Treatment by
B.S.M.S., M.D. (acu), C.Pk.T., C.Acu. (CHINA), M.Sc. (YOGA & NATUROPATHY).,PGDVT.
Personal Health Evaluation by Dr.M.P.AGATHIYAR takes about 20 minutes to assess health requirements and provide advice on a range of things to improve health and avoid future problems. We emphasizes that medical treatment is oriented not merely to the disease but has to take into account the patient, his environment, age, sex, habits, mental frame, habitat, diet, appetite, physical condition, physiological constitution, etc.
Traditional SIDDHA Medicine views health as a state of being in which body, mind and spirit interact harmoniously, in balance of three doshas namely VATHAM, PITTHAM & KABHAM. Also the core concept in Traditional Chinese Medicine stresses the concept of balance in healing. Qi (energy), a biological force inside the body regulates the function of the vital organs.

Siddha will cure all type of diseases like Cancer, Headache (Migraine ), Diabetes, PCOS, PCOD, Infertility, AIDS, Psoriasis, Yoga Treatment, Kaaykarpam Treatment etc..,

For More Details Contact
Agathiyar Hospital
(+91) 7299314449

Sidddha Treatment For AIDS & Sexual Diseases

STD-Syphilis & AIDS

MEGHANOI- Sexually transmitted diseases & AIDS
Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are infections that can be transferred from one person to another through any type of sexual contact. Sexual contact includes kissing, oral-genital contact, vaginal and anal intercourse. The infection can be transmitted from contact with the ulcer which teems with spirochetes. Similarly, if the ulcer is in the mouth, merely kissing the infected individual can spread the infection.
Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease (STD) that has been around for centuries and is usually spread during sexual contact, including kissing or oral sex. Syphilis is an infection that is caused by a microscopic organism called Treponema pallidum. The disease can go through three active stages and a latent (inactive) stage.
Primary stage of syphilis, a painless ulcer (the chancre) appears in a sexually-exposed area, such as the penis, mouth, or anal region. Sometimes, multiple ulcers may be present. Painless, swollen glands (lymph nodes) are often present in the region of the chancre, such as in the groin of patients with penile lesions. The ulcer can go away on its own after 3 to 6 weeks, only for the disease to recur months later as secondary syphilis if the primary stage is not treated.
Secondary syphilis is a systemic stage of the disease, meaning that it can involve various organ systems of the body. In this stage, therefore, patients can initially develop a skin rash that does not itch. Sometimes the skin rash of secondary syphilis is very faint and hard to recognize; it may not even be noticed in all cases. In addition, secondary syphilis can involve virtually any part of the body, causing, for example, swollen glands (lymph nodes) in the groin, neck, and arm pits, arthritis, kidney problems, and liver abnormalities. Subsequent to secondary syphilis, some patients will continue to carry the infection in their body without symptoms. This is the so-called latent stage of the infection. Then, with or without a latent stage, which can last as long as twenty or more years, the third (tertiary) stage of the disease can develop.