Sunday 18 May 2014

Siddha Treatments for Headache ( Migraine )


Migraines are severely painful, recurrent headaches that are sometimes accompanied by other symptoms such as visual disturbances (aura) or nausea. Throbbing, pounding, or pulsating pain often begins on one side of the head and may spread to both side or stay localized. There are two types of migraine – migraine with aura (formerly called common migraines) and migraine without aura (formerly called classic migraines).migraine is one-sided sometimes both sided headache associated with vomiting, inability to withstand light and sound. Some other problems may also give rise to migraine like urinary tract infection, foods with monosodium glutamate (MSG); sleeping too little or too much, increased warmth and sweating and even sensitivity to light. Emotional stress is also a well-known trigger for migraine. Prolong use of pain killers will also cause migraine along with its side effects.

For migraines, acupuncture treatment depends on whether the patient experiencing acute pain or seeking preventative treatment in between migraine attacks. Acupuncture treatment involves the insertion of fine needles, followed by gentle manipulation of the needles. This instantly increases blood flow in the tissues through a mechanism know as the "axon reflex", which dilates the small vessels around the needle area. An increase in blood circulation with the removal of Qi stagnation is generally a very good response for most chronic conditions and thus preventing migraine episodes. Poor neck posture can be caused by sitting at a computer for extended periods of time, slouching in a chair or on a couch, sleeping with your head in odd positions, reading with your head bent down, and any other activity that will place your head forward to your body sometimes causes migraine headaches.

Uniqueness of Our Treatment:
Our Treatment for migraines is aimed at preventing from occurring and lessening pain once an attack starts. In clinical practice, Acupuncture combining with Herbal medication is very effective for managing the acute pain of migraine attacks initially, followed by significant reduction of the intensity of each migraine and preventing migraines without any side effects. Also we provide Varmam massage, a technique by applying pressure on specific “VARMAM” (reflex points) on the head and neck, for seven days that has been proposed as remedial and preventive measures of the migraines. The use of herbal medicated oil over the scalp is a time-honored approach to strengthen the internal activation of the body and treating the disease. In addition, we may recommend lifestyle changes, including specific Pranayama-breathing techniques, relaxing exercise, and dietary modifications are beneficial in managing migraine. The promising result in the treatment of recurrent headaches seems to be relatively safe in the hands of qualified professionals. However migraine headaches are predominantly a pitta disorder-the hot sun affects them. When the sun rises, it’s hot, sharp, penetrating rays increase pitta in the cardiovascular system and cause the dilation of the blood vessels in the brain, which results in the painful headaches. So avoid direct exposure to the sun. Daily practice pranayama and have seven hours sound sleep.

For More Details & Appointments
Contact Jeeva - (+91)-7299314449
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Siddha Treatment For Diabetes


Diabetes,is a common chronic ailment for which the patient has to take insulin to maintain the blood sugar level. Allopathic drugs, Insulin injections and all other Medicines available for Diabetes can only control the level of sugar in blood stream and Moreover they have enormous side effects and lead to numerous allergies and cause complications. Using Siddha System, Diabetes can be controlled and maintained without any side effect. It is very interesting to see Siddha Medicine combined with yogasana tackles this problem. This combined treatment corrects the function of pancreas, stimulating it to produce insulin in the natural way, which in turn maintains the blood sugar level. 

Uniqueness of Our Treatment:
Siddha Medicine doesn’t react adversely with allopathic. For e.g., if the patient is on allopathic medicines for diabetes, he can continue that while taking Siddha Medicine. If the sugar level gets reduced then the dosage of the tablets and injection can be reduced, according to sign and symptoms of the situation. Herbal insulin sensitizers promote efficient intra cellular glucose utilization probably through intra cellular signaling mechanisms, without any side effect. As Siddha Medicine rejuvenates the pancreas and it starts secreting insulin normally, finally the allopathic medicine can be stopped. The herbs of Siddha medicine control blood sugar without any harmful side effects and also give the patient, strength and well-being.

Blood glucose monitoring test is done by checking the glucose content of a small drop of blood on a regular basis and will inform the patients how well diet, medicine, yoga and exercise are working together to control diabetes. The long-term goals of treatment are to rejuvenate pancreatic cells, reduce and prevent diabetes-related complications such as blindness, kidney failure, and amputation of limbs. By the virtue of anti hyperlipidemic action and antioxidant property our herbal medicines are cardio protective too.

In some cases, Siddha Medicine will bring about immediate effect, whereas in other cases, results start showing within 24 hours. Once the problem is solved, patient can stop the medication and he will be free from it for his lifetime, as given in siddha medical texts. Therapeutic yoga asana (postures) taught to the patients will also re-energize the Pancreatic cells and to be practiced everyday. For Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus (IDDM – Type I), our herbal medicines has effective role in decreasing the amount of Insulin injections.

• By 2020 India is going to be the diabetes capital of the world
• Only country compete with India is China 
• Type2-DM is mostly due to diet and life style change, environmental change, decreased physical activity.
• In 1995 number of diabetes patients were 19 million it will rise to 60 million in 2025
• Increase trends towards obesity, unhealthy diets and sedentary lifestyle.
• Diabetes is responsible for over 1 million amputations each year.
• Worldwide blindness due to diabetic retinal disease.
• Largest cause of kidney failure in developed country and responsible for huge dialysis cost.
• The risk of heart disease and stroke are all significantly higher for peoples with diabetes.
• Diabetes is the major cause of premature death worldwide.

For More Details & Appointments
Contact Jeeva - (+91)-7299314449
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Siddha Treatment For Infertility

Male Infertility :

Azoospermia is the name given to the condition in which there are no sperm in the semen. The semen may look normal, but the condition shows up under a microscope.
Azoospermia , as the name suggests , refers to the condition in which there are no sperm in the semen. This diagnosis can come as a rude shock, because most men with a zero count have normal libido; normal sexual function; and their semen looks completely normal too. The diagnosis can only be made by examining the semen under a microscope in the laboratory.

Azoospermia needs to be differentiated from aspermia, or the absence of semen. This is a rare condition, in which the man cannot produce a semen sample, because he cannot ejaculate. This could be because of a psychologic problem called anejaculation; or a medical problem called retrograde ejaculation, in which the semen is discharged backwards into the urinary bladder, rather than forwards.

If the lab report shows azoospermia, please ensure that you have in fact ejaculated properly. It's also a good idea to repeat the semen analysis it again from an independent lab. The laboratory should be also requested to centrifuge the sample and check the pellet for sperm precursors. Some men will have occasional sperm in the pellet, which means they are not really azoospermic. This is called cryptozoospermia.

There are only 2 possible reasons for the count being zero. One is because of a blockage of the ducts which carry the from the testes to the penis. This is called obstructive azoospermia, because it is a result of a block in the reproductive ducts ( passage). The other is due to testicular failure, in which the testes do not produce. This is called non-obstructive azoospermia ( a mouthful, which simply means that the problem is not because of a block).  
The testicular size ; and a blood test for FSH are useful tools for determining if you have obstructive azoospermia or non-obstructive azoospermia. If your testes are small in size; and if the FSH is high, your chances of having non - obstructive azoospermia are high.

Men with obstructive azoospermia have normal testes which produce sperm normally, but whose passageway is blocked. This is usually a block at the level of the epididymis, and in these men the semen volume is normal; fructose is present; the pH is alkaline; and no sperm precursor cells are seen on semen analysis. On clinical examination, they typically have normal sized firm testes, but the epididymis is full and turgid.

Some men have obstructive azoospermia because of an absent vas deferens. Their semen volume is low ( 0.5 ml or less); the pH is acidic and the fructose is negative. The diagnosis can be confirmed by clinical examination, which shows the vas is absent. If the vas can be felt in these men, then the diagnosis is a seminal vesicle obstruction.

Men with non-obstructive azoospermia have a normal passageway, but abnormal testicular function, and their testes do not produce sperm normally. Some of these men may have small testes on clinical examination. The testicular failure may be partial, which means that only a few areas of the testes produce sperm, but this sperm production is not enough for it to be ejaculated. Other men may have complete testicular failure, which means there is no sperm production at all in the entire testes. The only way to differentiate between complete and partial testicular failure is by doing multiple testicular micro-biopsies to sample different areas of the testes and send them for pathological examination.

Sometimes the clinical examination can provide useful clues as to the reason for the azoospermia. Rarely, the reason for the testicular failure is because of inadequate production of the gonadotropin hormones from the pituitary ( a condition called hypogonadotropic hypogonadism). Most hypogonadotropic patients are hypogonadal - that is, they have low levels of the male hormone, testosterone. This means they have poorly developed secondary sexual characters; an effeminate appearance, scanty hair, decreased libido, and small flabby testes. This can be confirmed by blood tests which show low levels of FSH and LH.
A clinical examination can also provide useful clues. Thus, mean with obstructive azoospermia will typically have normal sized, firm testes, with an epididymis which is swollen and turgid because it is full of.

Analysing the semen analysis report carefully can often provide clues as to the reason for the azoospermia. Thus, if the volume is low ( less than 1 ml; the pH acidic; and the fructose negative), this means the seminal vesicles are blocked or absent, a condition often found in men with congenital absence of the vas deferens. If the vas can be felt on clinical examination, this means the man may have a seminal vesicle obstruction.
The presence of sperm precursors in the semen means that the problem is not because of a block.

It is also a good idea to give a second sample within 1 or 2 hours after the second. This is called a sequential ejaculate; and in some men who have non-obstructive azoospermia because of partial testicular failure, there may be no in the first ejaculate, but there will be some in the second, because it is "fresher".
For most men with a confirmed diagnosis of azoospermia, the next test is a testis biopsyto determine what the reason for the azoospermia is, so that an appropriate treatment plan can be formulated.

Female Infrtility :

  • Infertility is a condition not a disease affecting the reproductive system that prevents successful pregnancy. It is typically diagnosed after a couple has had 6 to 12 months of unprotected, well-timed intercourse.
  • A woman must release an egg from one of her ovaries (ovulation)
  • The egg must go through a fallopian tube toward the uterus (womb).
  • A man's sperm must join with (fertilize) the egg along the way in fallopian tube.
  • The fertilized egg must attach to the inside of the uterus (implantation).
  • Infertility can result from problems that interfere with any of these steps able to carry a pregnancy
  • Fallopian tube damage or blockage
  • Endometriosis
  • Ovulation disorder
  • Elevated prolactin
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome(PCOS)
  • Early menopause
  • Benign uterine fibroids
  • Pelvic adhesions, of other causes can lead to infertility.
  • Other causes.
  • Excessive caffeine intake.
  • Other medical conditions :
    Cushing's disease
    Thyroid problems
    Cancer and its treatment
    sickle cell disease
    HIV/AIDS, kidney disease and diabetes can affect woman's infertility.
  • Woman can also be affected by certain lifestyle and environmental factors, including (but not limited to):
  • Age
  • Stress
  • Poor diet
  • Beingn overweight or underweight
  • Smoking, drugs, and alcohol
  • Medication
  • Environmental toxins
  • Genetic conditions, such as being a carrier of Fragile X syndrome
    Other health problems, such as sexually transmitted diseases
  • No matter how old you are, it's always a good idea to talk to a doctor before you start trying to get pregnant. Doctors can help you prepare your body for a healthy baby. They can also answer questions on fertility and give tips onconceiving.
  • Doctors can find the cause of a couple's infertility by doing a complete fertility evaluation. This process usually begins with physical exams and health and sexual histories. If there are no obvious problems, like poorly timed intercourse or absence of ovulation, tests will be needed.
  • Finding the cause of infertility is often a long, complex and emotional process. It can take months for you and your doctor to complete all the needed exams and tests. So don't be alarmed if the problem is not found right away.
For a woman: .
  • Hormone test
  • Ovulatory scan.
  • HSG,TT,Laproscopic examination,etc
Doctors recommend specific treatments for infertility
1.Test result
2.How long the couple has been trying to get pregnant
3.The age of both the man and woman
4.The overall health of the partners
5.Preference of the partners
Usually there are a variety of ways to treat infertility, including:
3.Intrauterine insemination/artificial insemination (woman is injected with carefully prepared sperm from the husband, partner, or a donor)
4.Assisted reproductive technology (ART), such as in vitro fertilization
Infertility is denoted as MALADU in siddha system of medicine. It is defined as inability to pregnant .
The common causes of Maladu are
1.Anovulatory cycle
2 . Immature follicles
3.Any infection of endometrium
5.Chronic cervicitis: In chronic cervicitis the dischargefrom p/v will kill the sperms.
6.Discharge P/V due to any infection.
7.Inflammationreproductive organs orga(uterus, ovary , fallopiantube).
8.Uterine fibroids.


Every woman’s life is filled with some sort of stress and emotional pressure. Menstrual problem and uterine disorders are very common today. Ovarian cyst is one among them, which need medical care. An ovarian cyst is any collection of fluid, surrounded by a very thin wall, within an ovary. PCOS happens when a woman's ovaries produce high levels of male hormones. PCOS is a condition characterized in many patients by “Polycystic” ovaries (multiple tiny ovarian cysts), lack of normal ovulation (anovulation) and elevated amount of male hormones (androgens) manifesting in hirsutism (excessive hair growth), often associated with obesity and insulin resistance (affecting about 50% of women with PCOS). High insulin level (insulin resistance) triggers excess male hormone production by the ovaries, interfering with normal egg production and preventing pregnancy. This creates an imbalance in all of her hormones, which can impede egg production. Cysts can then form in the ovaries, causing a decrease or stoppage in ovulation. 

Types of cysts:
All of the following conditions are noncancerous and a woman may develop one or more of them.
1. Follicular cyst: This type of simple cyst can form when ovulation doesn't occur, and a follicle doesn't rupture or 
release its egg but instead grows until it becomes a cyst, or when a mature follicle involute (collapses on itself).
2. Corpus lutetium cyst: This type of functional cyst occurs after an egg has been released from a follicle.
3. Hemorrhagic cyst: This is also called a blood cyst, hematocele, and hematocyst. 
4. Dermoid cyst: This is an abnormal cyst that usually affects younger women and may grow upto 7 inches in diameter. It is a type of benign tumor sometimes referred to as mature cystic teratoma.
5. Chocolate cyst or endometrial cyst: This is caused by endometriosis, formed by a tiny patch of endometrial tissue.
6. Poly cystic-appearing ovary: Poly cystic-appearing ovary is diagnosed based on its enlarged size - usually twice that of normal - with small cysts present around the outside of the ovary. This condition can be found in women with endocrine disorder (hormonal imbalance). 

Most common symptoms are heaviness, pressure, swelling, or bloating in the abdomen, Irregular periods, Constant or intermittent pain in the pelvis, Breast tenderness during beginning or end of menstrual period. Several conditions are associated with this diagnosis, including infertility (as a result of a lack of normal ovulation), bleeding problems, increased facial hair growth (hirsutism) and acne (due to increased male hormone levels), increased risk of uterine and possibly breast cancer and increased risk of obesity. Untreated women with PCOSPCOS, especially those with insulin resistance, have three times the risk of diabetes and seven times the risk of heart disease compared with women without PCOS. Even with hormone treatment, many patients were not getting regular menses, and the bleeding is very scanty.

Uniqueness of Our Treatment:
Specially made Siddha- Herbal medicines along with Chinese Acupuncture help to recovery from the problem of hormonal imbalance thereafter-menstrual cycles became normal and all hormone therapy can be stopped. Acupuncture may also help rebalance the body's systems and increase blood flow to the reproductive organs, which restores ovarian function. Though PCOS is neither a malignant disorder nor aLIFE THREATENING PROBLEM, a period of 4 months will be needed for TREATMENT. The clinical symptoms like pain in the abdomen and fullness in the abdomen will subside in the first 14 days of the treatment. The patient gets almost a normal menstrual flow during the course of treatment. Even Surgical corrections like Hysterectomy or Oophorectomy in PCOS patients, is not needed or given up, when the exact condition is thoroughly analyzed by investigations. The DIGITAL ULTRA SONOGRAM scanning report before and after treatments are documented in all of the patients. The success rate for ovarian cyst patients in our Siddha treatment is more than 90%.

For More Details & Appointments
Contact  Jeeva - (+91)-7299314449
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Siddha Treatment for Psoriasis

Psoriasis(Kaalanjaga padai or sethilmegham) is a chronic, recurrent, inflammatory skin disease of idiopathic origin. It is characterized by well-circumscribed erythematous, most commonly appears as inflamed swollen skin lesions (dry elevated of various sizes), covered with silvery white scale. Psoriasis typically appears on elbows, knees and scalp, but it can also arise on your lower back, buttocks, palms, soles and genital region. Psoriasis patients are likely to develop psoriatic arthritis which gives joint discomfort, swelling, stiffness or throbbing pain.

Many of my patients asks -Is psoriasis Hereditary? If one parent is affected then there is 21% of chances for the child to suffer from psoriasis. If both the parents are affected then the possibility of child getting the psoriasis is more.
Mental stress or psychological trauma may also initiate psoriasis. It is very well known that psoriasis or its relapses sometimes develop after psychic traumas or mental stress & strain, job pressures, anxiety, depression etc. Quality of life is an important factor in evaluating the severity of psoriasis. Faulty lifestyle; Smoking and alcohol are other factors which activate psoriasis.

Uniqueness of our Siddha Treatment:
A highly promising result in treating psoriasis and reliable solution has been provided for decades beyond the modern medical concept. According to the psoriatic condition, location of patches and state of health, our treatment differs. The treatment is further individualized according to the body condition and constitution of the patient.
Internal medicines-Siddha medicines provide a promising treatment for the disease in the world. Noticeable results can be seen within the first week of treatment. The treatment purifies the entire system and stabilizes the metabolism of the patient. Our medicines Detoxifies and eliminates the toxins , purifies blood and rejuvenates the skin .It has proven successful in psoriasis patients helping them restore a healthier immune system that helps them fight the disease as well as Psychological stabilization.
Topical medicines-Use lukewarm water to wash the skin affected with psoriasis. Do not prick, peel or scratch skin. This may trigger psoriasis. Apply our medicated oil on the affected area. Keep on applying oil continuously to maintain the moisture levels of skin. Very effective herbal oil quickens healing process and reduces the dimensions of psoriatic patches within days.

For More Details & Appointments
Contact  Jeeva - (+91)-7299314449
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Diet For Fighting Cancer

Western lifestyle and diet is responsible for the production of oxydase, which induces cancer growth and is the cause of many other chronic disorders. The treatment also focuses on dietary regime and correcting lifestyle, the response is immediate and the cancer cell will become weak and vulnerable; it is possible to restore health in a few months. This is a lifetime commitment and it is effective with many kinds of cancer.

Foods to Eat For Fighting Cancer 
1. Whole grains 
2. Wheat bran 
3. Natural rice 
4. Seeds and nuts 
5. Almonds 
6. Oranges and lemons
7. Figs 
8. Amla
9. Grapes 
10. Pineapple 
11. Turmeric
12. Peppers (red and white)
13. Sprouts (especially wheat)
14. Small Onions
15. Garlic
16. Root plants in general
17. Vegetables of all sorts 

Further, Dr. Karl Folkers of the University of Texas and a team of researchers in Europe reported that changes in diet and a specific list of nutrients eliminated breast cancer and prevented its recurrence.

For More Details & Appointments
Contact  Jeeva - (+91)-7299314449
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Siddha Treatment For all Type of Cancer

About Cancer

Cancer is one of the most dreaded diseases of the 20th century and spreading further with continuance and increasing incidence in 21st century. Thousands of herbal and traditional compounds are being screened worldwide to validate their use as anti-cancerous drug. Siddha, the world’s oldest medical therapy brings out the most effective treatment for cancer. Around 80% of the patients inflicted with Cancer reach the doctors in advanced stages when treatment is hard-hitting possible. Cancer is a disease which requires frequent observation and keen monitoring. Early diagnosis and treatment with siddha medicines cures Cancer. The rate of success depends on the regularity of the patient in intake of medicines and care taken in observance of pathyam. Even patients with secondary metastasis in lymph nodes also have significant response and disappearance of mass with siddha medicines. Regular intake of medicines improves metabolism, reduces the chances of recurrence. The patient’s quality of life improves, adding years and peace to his life.

Our Ancient siddhars delved deep into the mysteries of life through meditation and learned that diseases are not caused by accidental exposure to germs or pathogens, as medical scientists believe.

Our Body’s own Anti-Cancer System: Our siddha medicines are whole body immune system stimulant. It is particularly effective in strengthening the Natural Killer (NK) cells. The NK cells are the body’s first line of defense (after the “suicide” and “proofreader” genes) against cancer as well as viral and bacterial infections. Significantly, it is the level of activity of the NK cells, not their numbers, which determines the odds of survival. Much research has confirmed that people with low NK cell activity are much more likely to experience diseases like cancer. Obviously, the immune system is very complex, with about 130 different kinds of cells. High order siddha medicines made from natural compounds like gold have also been shown to increase activity levels of other immune system cells. Recently the Australian university has issued an interim report that gold exerts specific anti cancer effect with out damaging normal healthy cells. Now more than eight universities of the world are engaged to study the multifaceted pharmacological action of gold.In my experience, with my strong observation that there is no parallel in the pharmacology for the immune therapy effect of traditional SWARNAKALPA (gold) medicine rather than gold nano particle used in allopathic medicine. Rather the destructive process can be reversed by adopting the time tested Siddha medicine loaded with positive and constructive vibrations of Siddha Mantras. Our medicines apart from their therapeutic effects have been observed to provide tranquility of mind in the patients.

Method of treatment depends upon the site and type of cancer. The following types of cancer are treated with siddha medicines at our hospital:
(a)Brain Cancer 
(b) Oropharyngeal Cancer
(c) Lung Cancer
(d) Stomach Cancer
(e) Intestinal Cancer
(f) Female Genital Cancer 
(g) Male Genital Cancer
(h) Liver Cancer
(i) Blood Cancer
(j) Bone Cancer
(k) Breast Cancer
(l) Skin Cancer.

80% of the above cancers are curable in early stage with siddha medicine. Patients’ most fundamental right – MEDICAL FREEDOM OF CHOICE – has been lost in this country.

Western lifestyle and diet is responsible for the production of oxydase, which induces cancer growth and is the cause of many other chronic disorders. The treatment also focuses on dietary regime and correcting lifestyle, the response is immediate and the cancer cell will become weak and vulnerable; it is possible to restore health in a few months. This is a lifetime commitment and it is effective with many kinds of cancer.

For More Details & Appointments
Contact  Jeeva - (+91)-7299314449
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